Our Impact
We have operated in Bindjareb Country (the Peel Region) and Whadjuk Country (Perth Metro) since 2005 offering high quality Free Financial Services to the community.
Our core support includes:
Financial Counselling Community including Outreach Support Community Education Programs Financial Crisis Advocacy and Negotiation & Energy Ahead Coaching.
Our Values:
Respect Empathy Empowerment Kindness
Our Organisational Priorities
People: We value all people, regardless of ethnicity, ability, gender, sexuality or beliefs. We aim to treat everyone with respect, dignity, empathy and kindness.
Relationships: We believe that building and maintaining relationships is central to our work. We build rapport with families seeking support, support each other and work with others to achieve great outcomes.
Improvement: We value continuous improvement. We will have the courage to review, challenge and adapt paradigms, systems and processes.
Impact: We are passionate about making a difference. We will work with families and communities to build financial security and resilience